Listen, how ney does tell the story, how it complains about breakups.. Everybody, men and women, cried and groaned from my cry since they cut me off the cane. I want a heart torn apart from separation so that I can open up my problems. The person who is far from the original looks for the time to reunite again.
I cried and groaned in every community. I have become spouses with bad people and good people. Everyone became my friend in their own way, but nobody researched my secrets. My secret is not far from my cry, but there is no light in every eye and ear. Skin is not hidden from life, and life is not hidden from the skin, but no one is allowed to see life. This is the sound of ney is the fire of love sorrow, not air... Whoever does not have this fire, may he also perish! ..
It is the fire of love that has fallen into the ney, it is the enthusiasm of love that has fallen into the wine. Ney is the friend of the person who leaves the friend. İts notes tear our curtains. Who saw both a poison, an antidote, a neighbor, and a supporter like ney? Ney talks about the road full of blood, and Mecnun tells the stories of his love. The intimacy of this mind is nothing but foolish.

The days of our grief have become untimely; days became comrades with burns. If the days have passed, let it pass; we have no fear. O unique in cleaning, stay immediately! Everything but fish fell into the water, and the days got longer for those who had no livelihood. The immature person does not understand the state of the mature person, so the word should be cut short. Son! Disconnect your connection with the world, be free. Until when will you be a silver, gold prisoner?
What if you pour the sea into a bowl…? The fortune of a day. The greedy ones' testicles are not full. Mother-of-pearl was filled with pearls because she was content. She was thoroughly cleaned of ambition, shame, whose dress was torn by a love affair. Our love is our beautiful love; be happy the physician of all our diseases; the medicine of our arrogance and greatness, our Plato! our Calinus!
The body created from the earth rose to the skies out of love; the mountain began to play, it became agile. In love! Love became the life of Tur. Tûr was drunk, and Moses fell and passed out! If I were to match my friend's lips with whom I spent my time together, if I found a chatmate who would tolerate their secrets, I would say things to say like ney. He is dumb, even if he has a hundred kinds of tunes that separate him from his heartfelt. When the rose fades and the season passes, you can no longer hear adventures from the nightingale. He is dumb, even if he has a hundred kinds of tunes that separate him from his heartfelt. When the rose fades and the season passes, you can no longer hear adventures from the nightingale.
Quotation Mesnevî