About Us

About Us


First Meeting with Music...

In 1994, simultaneously with my high school education, I received western music and clarinet/saxophone education from my esteemed teacher  Adnan MESCİ.I have performed as a solo and orchestra in various shows and programs. What has been in me as a lover for years, I got in Kayseri years later.

Ney Education and Production Process ...

In Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality Art AcademyI received Turkish Music and ney education from my esteemed teacher Neyzen Mehmet TIRYAKI. I used it by procuring ney from various ney producers.Jul. Neyzen Ismail Yavuz's “a good neyzen opens his own ney himself." based on his sentence, I received training from my teacher Seyfi GÜNAY, the producer of Mey and Ney, in order to be able to open my own things.

As a result of the requests from the environment, I started to open things independent of the brand to the requesters. During this period, I received Turkish Music and usul education from Bartın University Faculty of Islamic Sciences Islamic Arts and Religious Music Lecturer Muhammed TÜREfor a while. At the same time, I started to open things without problems and in full accord by correcting my shortcomings by checking what I had opened with my academic and neyzen identity and getting valuable comments from him.

As a result of the increase in Ney demands, I registered the    trademark by applying to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority in order to provide services under the trademark guarantee. while continuing ney production under my registered trademark as of June 2020, I was entitled to the title of Ney Production Artist as a result of the evaluation made by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 2021. Currently;

  • To receive Turkish Music and ney training from my valuable teacher Neyzen Mehmet DİRYAKİ at Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality Art Academy,
  • Kayseri Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, consisting of volunteers, to perform ney in the Turkish Art Music choir,
  • I continue to work in my small workshop at my home in Talas /Kayseri in order to be able to open quality products to you dear ney friends.

Islamic Calligraphy Studies…

Geleneksel Türk sanatlarından olan hüsn-i hat öğrenimine 2020 senesinde Kayseri Hunad Hatun Medresesi’nde Hattat Mustafa Demir ile başladıktan sonra; bir süre Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Geleneksel Türk Sanatları Bölümü öğretim görevlisi Hocam Hattat Yunus Emre ÇELİK ile devam ettik. Halen Hattat Mustafa Demir hocam ile rik’a meşklerine devam etmekteyiz.

Who Do I Adopted As My Role Model?

For ney manufacture, i have adopted Ney Performer Niyazi SAYIN's methodology. However, as ney playing methodology, i have embraced Sadrettin ÖZÇİMİ, Ahmet ŞAHİN, Salih BİLGİN, Süleyman YARDIM, Süleyman ERGUNER, Burcu KARADAĞ, Aziz Şenol FİLİZ and Mehmet TİRYAKİ apartm from Niyazi SAYIN, as role models for myself.

“One must curse a thousand for one sin; I have a thousand sins, I did not curse even a day "

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© ŞahaNey 2020-2024 | Her Hakkı Saklıdır 

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