How Is Improvisation Performed?
What is improvisation?Improvisationwhile expressing meanings such as dividing, smashing in the dictionary, , as the term of music, on the condition that it is based...
How to Make a Sound From Ney?
WHAT TO MAKE A SOUND OUT OF: What Grip and Sitting Position What to make a sound out of is actually very special…
Ney in Mesnevî
Listen, how does this ney tell stories, how does he complain about breakups. Because they cut me off from staying…
Making Sound from Ney and Sitting Position
Ney can be held in the mouth on the right or left side. Any rules related to this issue…
Ney's Complaint about Separation
"Listen carefully to what this Ney is saying, he is complaining about separation. Ney to himself…
What Should I Pay Attention To When Buying Ney?
I Started Learning Ney, What Should I Pay Attention To While Buying?
The most important thing to pay attention to when buying ney should be the fact that the tuning is made by a person who knows ...
Is It Difficult to Learn Ney?
You Want To Learn How To Play Ney, You Want To Blow And Make A Sound But You Have Difficulties. Pretty Normal, Let's Talk In Detail Now...